Kazuo Kitajima's total fire-making cutting shears 8 Sunn

通常価格:¥29,700 税込
¥29,700 税込
商品コード: hasami1
お買い物を続ける カートへ進む
Mr.Kazuo Kitazima talked as follows;
I was worried about the flow of Edo scissors starting from Yajuro Yoshida (name is Yayoshi), and I thought that I should grasp the flow from the scissors that Yayoshi imitated at the beginning, by actually making the scissors of that era as a craftsman. I wanted to walk through the history and footprints, so I looked at the few remaining scissors of the Meriken type of that era and made them. It's a big scissors, and it seems that Japanese people can't handle it very much. Next, I also made an improved version made by Yakichi. It is the prototype of the current Rasha cut. After that, it is almost the same as the current one. Currently, there are two Edo scissors series, Chotaro and Kaneyoshi. Among them, there were only a few people who made fire, including me, who is of the Kaneyoshi family. This is also one of the features.
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